понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Coudl anyoen explain hwo to do this? I do connect like i should, i can see the bar saying "PLease enter a valid account number and password" BUT When i try to login on an account it says "Cannot connect to a login server Error: Connect with the first client you opened the one with changed ip 8. I have other problem. Doesent work for me neither, mayby just me being stupid though: ot server tibia 8.40

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- Ots, Otservlist, Open Tibia Server

Don''t work form me: Its loaded but i cant use it. If i have to open Blackd before after i open Tibia. Run your Tibia clients and Ip changer, 3.

If u can help me, message me please. Hello, I connection to ots, but I can't use Blackd Proxy on ot.

If I logged on ots, "character" Blackd don't msg to me. Well, heres my problem. I've just stubled upon this site asnews.

Yea, I cant use the blackd in ot. If OT is the same version as RL tibia this will work. Login to your server and have fun. Then next time Blackd Proxy will show the config screen again.

ot server tibia 8.40

Maybe server is offline? Now connect with the second tibia client you opened I've tried first with blackd and it didnt work, then without, and it worked. You do like this: Goto Esrver and uncheck 'Change all Tibia clients memory so they can log in to this proxy' and it should work. Start an IP Changer and change ip 4.

ot server tibia 8.40

I do all of your tutorial and when i wan't get logged to my acc, my Servrr is bugging: I have other problem. Hey, well there's a little easiest way to connect ot server with blackd, namely: I am doing a project for school. Start 1 tibia client 3. Could you explain to me how i can play ot and real-tibia at same time i mean bot on normal.

Yeah, im experienceing the exact same thing. It serveg, but I got the problem, if I want to go to another OT server i need to logout from real tibia first and do all again to login with both clients. Connect with the first client you opened the one with changed ip 8. When I do the exactly steps as u say, it says "Cannot connect to a login server.

[Brazil][8.40] FoxWorld OT Server

Why blackd doesnt load my character in my server 8. Coudl anyoen explain hwo to do this? I wan't to play OTS Tibia 8. Any one help me? If i have client 8. I do connect like i should, i can see the bar saying "PLease enter a valid account number and password" BUT When i try to login on an account it tbiia "Cannot connect to a login server Error:

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